Vagrant Links

  • Vagrant
  • Virtualbox
  • SitePoint Vagrant posts – many tutorials on lots of different aspects of developing with Vagrant, some explaining the links below, some going beyond that and diving into manually provisioning a box or even creating your own, and so on.
  • StackOverflow Vagrant Tag for questions and answers about Vagrant, if you run into problems setting it up
  • Phansible – same as PuPHPet but uses the Ansible provisioner. Knowledge of Ansible not required.
  • Vaprobash a set of Bash scripts you can download (no provisioner – raw terminal commands in various files that just get executed) as an alternative to the above two. Requires a bit more manual work, but usually results in less bloated VMs due to finetuneability.
  • 5 ways to get started with Vagrant – lists the above resources, plus some others.
  • Chasis
  • Varying Vagrant Vagrants – Varying Vagrant Vagrants is an open source Vagrant configuration focused on WordPress development
  • Primary Vagrant Primary Vagrant is intended for WordPress plugin, theme, and core development, as well as general PHP development in the UF Health environment and can be used as a replacement for local development stacks such as MAMP, XAMPP, and others
  • Wocker
  • WPlib Box The EASIEST way to get a local WordPress development environment, using Vagrant. (Σύμφωνα με τον δημιουργό του)
  • docker4wordpress